About M. J. Tiry

Michael J. Tiry came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior at the age of twenty-nine. His deep appreciation for having the assurance of eternal life, his passion for study, and his quest for truth compelled him to search deeply into the Bible with a desire to learn its truth that he might present the riches of God’s grace to others. Over the last forty years Michael has been involved in itinerate preaching, a church planting ministry, and a teaching and preaching ministry at Berean Bible Church in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin; Michael also serves Berean Bible Church as director of the Timothy Institute, designed to prepare men for leadership in local churches. Additionally, Mike has been active over the last fourteen years in a prison ministry. Michael and his wife of forty years, Linda, have raised five daughters.

Books By M. J. Tiry

Super-Abounding Grace is a tour through the Book of Romans to gain an understanding of the life changing effect of the gospel of grace to have victory over sin in your life.


More Than Conquerors digs deep into the book of Romans and is a commentary and reference aid for the serious Bible student.


Was the flood of Noah’s day truly world wide? What really brought on the glaciers? What actually gave us the fossil fuel reserves that power society today? What were the forces that divided our earth into continents? A Study in Genesis: From Adam to Abraham brings the principles of science and engineering into play in the quest to find answers to some of the perplexing questions on origins in Genesis.
